Sunday, June 29, 2008

Zoho Writer

    As I continue along on these weekly exercises in 23 things, I learn more and more. For example I had NO idea that there were free word processing software on the internet that could be accessed from any computer. This is a great idea and one I REALLY wish I knew when I was in college. And who knew about the spreadsheets and slide presentations on Google Docs? I sure didn't! There were so many times in college when I forgot my zip drive or had to use my email to get my documents from one computer to the next. I had no printer the last year I was in college thus was constantly in the computer lab printing and I never failed to have problems with the transfer. But if I knew about this software on the internet all I would have had to do was just type the paper (spreadsheet/presentation) here or upload it here and just get it on the next computer with internet access. Zoho Writer has all the features of Microsoft Word thus it is not that different and easy to use and figure out. I guess the only potential problem with this is internet connection. If it goes out and you don't have a back-up copy that could be a problem. But of course that is always something that has been necessary...always have a back-up! wink Now to try and post to blog.....

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