Thursday, July 10, 2008

23 Thoughts

I enjoyed this program because it introduced me to a lot of technology that I was unaware of previously. The most helpful tools I learned about were the online applications for word processing, spreadsheets, and slide presentations. I will definitely be using these in the future. I also enjoyed learning about Wikis and YouTube. I enjoyed learning about the digital audiobook collection on our web site, which I had never took the time to explore before now. It is a very useful and helpful tool for our patrons, and I am glad I can now talk about it with them.

The online applications will be very useful in the future when I go back to college and thus will definitely help me with some of my goals. I was suprised by some of the more difficult exercises. Like the tagging, the RSS feeds, and Technorati. All these were new to me and were slightly difficult to understand so I was suprised that we were exposed to them here. Though they were interesting nonetheless and they provided useful knowledge into the many diffferent uses of the internet.

The program's concept was a very good idea. It helps us keep up to date with the internet and its many uses and allows for us to see how the library can be incorporated in many other areas as well. The format was well layed out yet sometimes it seemed there was a lot to do one week and not as much the next. However every exercise per week usually related to each other, which was helpful. I would participate again in another discovery program such as this.

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